Start your Monday off with some fresh off the press news! Today we’re exploring water and sustainable agriculture from a national perspective.
States lose federal water funds as lawmakers redirect money to pet projects by Tony Romm of the Washington Post
Learn about how your tax dollars are being spent and directed away from water initiatives including lead pipe replacement and wastewater facility repairs.
A Democrat’s obsessive quest to change the way America is farmed and fed by Marin Scotten of the Guardian
Learn about Earl Blumenauer, US Representative from Oregon, and his goal to redirect subsidies to small farms that center "people, animals and the environment" over the mega commodity farms.
Is groundwater conservation bill a federal ‘buy and dry’ program? by David Murray of AG News
Learn about efforts in the US Senate to encourage the conservation of groundwater through changes to water rights and federal incentives for conservation.
Opinion: This idea could save California billions of gallons of water while generating clean energy by Brandi McKuin and Roger Bales, writing to the L. A. Times
Learn about the idea being floated to cover California's canals with solar panels.
A drought-stricken San Antonio-Austin mega-metro may face water crisis by Chris O'Connell
The West isn't the only region facing water challenges.